manuscripts underwent in the Middle
Да или нет не говорить!!!!
Сообщений 91 страница 103 из 103
Поделиться922023-06-26 13:01:23
Since the era of Charlemagne
Поделиться932023-06-29 00:33:50
inventions of typography
Поделиться942023-07-02 22:20:19
which is carried out by the printing
Поделиться952023-07-03 07:07:54
collection of poems composed
Поделиться962023-07-07 06:57:30
mostly in monasteries.
Поделиться972023-07-08 11:19:34
manuscripts underwent in the Middle
Поделиться982023-07-10 09:57:35
new texts were rewritten
Поделиться992023-08-31 16:06:46
inventions of typography
Поделиться1002023-09-21 11:03:02
handwritten books were made,
Поделиться1012023-12-13 02:22:10
commonly associated with
Поделиться1022024-01-19 11:48:26
Duke de Montosier
Поделиться1032024-02-20 14:38:27
books in ancient times was papyrus